Wednesday, August 12, 2009

Cancelled Events?

The NCFCA president sent an announcement that Expos and OI are both "suspended" (?) in NCFCA next year, but other events will replace them later.

I guess that's the ultimate rule change. But at least the change was announced during the summer!


  1. as opposed to mis-season, which is what we have been forced to grow accustomed to.

  2. Yes, it's summer, but many students start working on their speeches (OI & EXP included) at the end of last year - why not announce changes at Nationals - instead of a couple of months later?

  3. Hi "Happy Stoa Parent"-

    I think if the cancellation of two events had been announced at Nationals, there would have been a vigorous and emotional reaction from the attendees, don't you agree?

    Also, and this is just speculation, but it seems like something has been bugging the leadership: first they change all the rules, then there are a bunch of adjudications at NATs (maybe because nobody knows the new rules?), and finally these events get canceled. I didn't find president's letter illuminating.

    Anyway, my point is on the timing of the cancellations: maybe they didn't announce it at NATs because they didn't know they were going to do this.
